Cuongs Vietnam Motorbike Tours Off_road single track

Northwest Vietnam Off-Road 2023

Northwest Vietnam on Some new trails to explore, then the rain started things got messy. Cuong's Motorbike Has exclusive off-road motorbike tours throughout Northern Vietnam, a great team helped us struggle through and have a blast in the mud, it's definitely a ride for experienced riders and Cuong is the best in Vietnam. From Hanoi to Mai Chau, up to Nghia Lo, and to Che Tao, the route through the terraced rice fields and mountains passes on the way to Sapa. We had a Great time exploring trails through hill-tribe villages and farms to surprised locals.

8 Days 7 Nights of Wild Adventure Ride. The difficult ride we wanted and beyond expectations, Cuongs's team was the best.

Cuongs Vietnam Motorbike Tours Off_road single track

Northwest Vietnam Mud Run Cuongs Vietnam

Northwest Vietnam Motorbike tour, 7 days and 7 nights we had rain at the being of the trip so the tracks were challenging and very muddy, this did not stop our crew and we pushed through the must to find some excellent single-track riding. Vietnam Has so many options for riders of all skills, On this tour the group wanted to take on the difficult tracks and Cuong did not disappoint, we found new tracks and forests to dive through that challenge riders’ ability to handle their bikes. The Honda CRF 250 and CRF 300 handles will Diep was always around to help out when needed. A great ride and September is a great time to see Vietnam even if it can be wet.

Urals Vietnam Off-road tour NW Vietnam Cuongs

Only Cuongs has the Classic Ural 650 set for touring in Vietnam, On-road and off-road tours by Ural, Honda CRF, 4X4 and Vintage American Jeeps, Cuongs Motorbike Adventure is the leader in Vietnam and Laos.

Ural Vietnam Off-road Tour 2023

Northwest Vietnam mountains have so many small tracks and back roads to explore we took out the Urals 650s on an off-road adventure to put them through their paces and push them to the limit. deep mud, rock tracks and water crossings, and the Vintage Urals kept going and going, Cuong’s Has the only fleet of Ural 650 with and without sidecars to explore the mountains of Vietnam with Cuong.

Cuongs Vietnam Northwest Offroad motorbike tours

New Roads New friends

8 days Northwest Vietnam off-road to Sapa it was having a great time, all safe and fun exploring the backroads along the border of Vietnam and China, Hill-tribe villages and forests by single racks make for a great adventure.  New roads and new destinations, It’s great to get back on the road and Vietnam is open for travel. Friendly faces and hospitality it the destination of motorbike travellers.  #Cuongs

11 days Northern Vietnam off-road loop

11 days Northern Vietnam off-road loop it was having a great time, all safe and fun exploring the backroads along the border of Vietnam and China, Hill-tribe villages and forests by single racks make for a great adventure.  New roads and new destinations after the COVID  lockdowns, It’s great to get back on the road and Vietnam is open for travel. Friendly faces and hospitality it the destination of motorbike travellers.  #Cuongs

Ho Chi Minh Trail From Vietnam to Laos and back off-road challenge Cuongs Motorbike Adventure

We traveled from Hanoi and followed the original Ho Chi Minh Trail through the jungles of Laos and back into Vietnam and the beaches of Danang, Great riding, War sites, and challenging tracks make for a great adventure.

ha giang motorbike tours

Ha Giang Border Tour 7D 7N

Ha Giang border tour takes us from Hanoi to Ba Be Lake and the most spectacular roads of Ha Giang Province and follows the border to through high mountains and down to Lao Cai.