Cuong and Gordon Ramsey in Vietnam

Chef Gordon Ramsey with Cuong on the classic Urals to Mai Chau

Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey went with Cuong to Mai Chau on the classic Urals to film his Vietnam food special.


Ha Giang June 2014

Latest Trip up to Ha Giang, Great roads, people and scenery, The clouds cooled things off and added a sense of mystery of what is around each corner. Ha Giang Vietnam - Cuong’s Motorbike Adventure offers all inclusive motorcycle adventure tours across Vietnam and into Laos on classic Ural 650, Minsk 125 and Honda CRF 250.

Amazing ride - amazing footage - Vietnam

A 3 day motorbike trip from Hanoi to Mai Chau, Pu Luong and Moc Chau. Amazing ride, amazing footage.

Produced by David Parsons

Northwest Adventure ride

Northwest Vietnam offroad Video June 2014

Cuong's Motorbike Adventure Northwest Vietnam offroad Video June 2014 Honda CRF 250 from Hanoi to Mai Chau, Moc Chau Tu Le and Y Te, A great ride dirt mud and smiles.



Ural Sidecar ride to Ha Giang Vietnam

We had an amazing 8 day ride to ha Giang on classic Ural sidecar bikes. They are beast but just keep on going.



Ural ride with Charley Boorman through the streets of Hanoi

Take a ride with Charley Boorman through the streets of Hanoi on one of Cuong's Ural 650 and classic American jeeps.


Cuongs Archer - T shirts available now

As seen on the hit animated TV series Archer on FX. Cuongs Archer – T shirts available now – Official shop

Cuongs Archer Tshirts –  We have the authentic T-Shirts worn by Slater the character played by Christian Slater in Season 5 of the TV series Archer, Try our on line shop for orders from the US and Canada. Limited additions Archer T-Shirt available, Our first batch of T shirts are out keep your eyes open for new updated designs. Archer Shirts are free for people who come on a motorbike ride with Cuong the Archer Shirts is one of a kind. We have seen the design in the TV show Archer in season 5 as well as Archer season 6, in both series the logo has been displayed prominently on the Archer character. We have been getting a lot of inquiries about the Archer shirt so we set up a Archer on-line shop to make it easy for fans to purchase.  Don’t Buy from the fakes and rip-offs – they just downloaded a low-rez version from the net and trying to make a buck on our trademark. and the shirts look like shit.   Check out the real Cuong’s and his online shop, Or come on a Motorbike tour and you get a free shirt !!

Archer T-Shirt Cuongs
ARCHER: Episode 9, Season 5 “Archer Vice: On The Carpet” (airing Monday, March 24, 10:00 pm e/p). Archer avoids crash landing in a dangerous swamp only to come face-to-face with a shady arms dealer (Christian Slater). Written by Adam Reed. Pictured: (L-R) Slater (voice of Christian Slater), Sterling Archer (voice of H. Jon Benjamin), Cyril Figgis (voice of Chris Parnell), Ray Gillette (voice of Adam Reed). FX Network

Visit Archer T shirts available here in the USA for ordering

Minsk Rally 2013

Minsk Rally 2013 Video

Minsk Rally 2013 Video From Hanoi to Mai Chau on Cuongs Vintage Minsk 125cc motorbikes lets take them out for a run, Cuong [embedyt][/embedyt]